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DevPlanner Reduces Time for IT Project Management
Talented IT project manager Sergey Chuyeshov found a simple way of reducing his daily management work by applying personal planning in a team.
More than a year Sergey Chuyeshov is involved in management of software development projects. For this time he learned well an important real life lesson: tasks what can be treated dually will be delayed and require additional management force to finish.
To become confident of developer work and controlling time spent experienced project manager makes records on paper or in electronic form about estimations and progress of posed tasks. If something goes wrong or task was delayed, manager intervenes to correct a situation. This process requires asking developer about the progress frequently and takes almost all time of none indifferent project manager.
To reduce time for inspecting work and invest it in continuous learning and active participation in development Sergey Chuyeshov incorporated personal daily work planning in a team. From many interesting software solutions for personal planning he selected DevPlanner. "My method is simple. I got the idea from the time management course what I recently attended. While we are distributing a work inside a team, I'm asking every developer for affected work breakdown and scheduling tasks for at least half of the day. This shots two rabbits at once: I can check whenever task was understood correctly and reduce need to remember delegated work." ? said Sergey.
Another project management time economy can be found in collecting highly accurate data for preparing overall men-hours spending reports on specific project. Especially this is effective in teams involved in multiply projects. Every developer simply plans his work and adjusts personal plans periodically. All other calculations can perform software, like DevPlanner does in automatic reports. Manager can review these reports in any time and minimize bothering of developers.
DevPlanner is a shareware program and available for 30 days free at http://www.devplanner.com or http://www.devplanner.org. Registered version costs 43 US dollars.
About Fedorenko Company
Fedorenko is an independent innovative software development company. Our competences are time management, project management and productivity tools and technologies.
Alexander Fedorenko
+38 096 3752705
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